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Sebastien Lemay, M.Sc., CFA

Wealth Advisor and Portfolio Manager

Education :

Bachelor of Commerce, Finance, Université de Sherbrooke, 2002
MSc Finance, Université de Sherbrooke, 2006


Professional designation :

Chartered Financial Analyst, 2006


Role in the team: 

Portfolio management, asset allocation strategy, portfolio administration
Actively contributes to the wealth management offering and customer service.


Previous experience :

Banking & commercial financing, 2007-2019

Board member of an SME, 2013-2018


Hobbies :

Spending time with family and friends, sports (tennis, golf, hockey, running), oenology, reading.


Favorite financial quote:

“It ain’t what you don’t know that gets you into trouble. It’s what you know for sure that just ain’t so”. – Mark Twain


A financial tip:

It is essential to know your investor profile and risk tolerance. In other words, you have to be in the right position. That makes it possible to navigate economic and stock market cycles.

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