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Estate planning

Leaving an inheritance requires planning and thought.  Our team helps clients ensure their wishes are clearly stated in their will and in their protection  mandate.  Our in-house experts (notaries) are also involved in the process to identify the risks and blind spots associated with bequests.  Well-executed estate planning will respect your wishes while optimizing the legal, tax and financial aspects.

Some questions to ask yourself:

Here are some questions an estate planning mandate can answer: 

  • Is my will up to date? Does it still reflect my wishes?
  • Should I change the heirs, executors or trustees named in my will?
  • How will receiving an inheritance affect my family and my children when I die? What are the implications if my children are minors?
  • How do I maximize bequests to charity?
  • How can I protect the interests of my children from a first union without affecting the quality of life of my current spouse?
Our services

Discover our various wealth management services: