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Terms of Use


For the purposes of this document, “We”, “Our”, “Us” collectively refer to the National Bank of Canada and its group entities. When the full name “National Bank of Canada” is used, only this specific entity is referred to.

By using our website (the “site”), you accept the terms of use described below, which are subject to change without notice. Additionally, you agree to periodically review these terms of use and agree that continued access to the site constitutes acceptance of any changes made to them.

Applicable Laws

The site is governed by the federal laws of Canada and the applicable laws of the province of Quebec and will be interpreted according to these laws, disregarding principles of conflicts of law. Any dispute, dispute, or claim resulting from the use of the site or related to it will fall under the jurisdiction of the Quebec courts, and you therefore agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Quebec courts in this respect.

User Responsibility

As a user of the site, you agree to use it diligently and judiciously, respecting current laws and our security standards, which are described in the ABC of Security section.

Access to and use of the site

We cannot guarantee that the site will be accessible at all times, without interruption, and that it will be error-free. We cannot be held liable to you or anyone else for damages that may arise from the inaccessibility of the site or the difficulties you experience in accessing the site or using it due to, in particular, a service interruption, a network failure, the malfunction of any computer component or any software, a faulty, incomplete, or incomprehensible transmission, whether or not brought to our attention.

Furthermore, we have the right to suspend at any time, without notice, in whole or in part, access to the site equipedsbl.com and each of our pages accessible using certain social media, as well as to interrupt its online posting. In this respect, you cannot hold us responsible for the damages you may suffer as a result of such an initiative.

The content

The content of the site is presented for informational purposes only, unless otherwise indicated. This content does not constitute an offer to buy or sell our products or services or a solicitation on our part or on the part of authorized third parties. Our products and services of interest to Canadian residents are not necessarily all offered in each province of Canada, but they are generally offered in regions where they can be legally offered. Eligibility for our products and services also remains subject to the terms and conditions established for each of them.

The content of the site should in no way be interpreted, considered, or used as if it were financial, legal, tax, or other advice. We are not responsible for the damages you may suffer in this regard.

The content of the site is the property of the National Bank of Canada and cannot be reproduced in whole or in part except for your personal use. In all other cases, you must obtain the express consent of the National Bank of Canada before reproducing any or all of this content.

Amendment and reliability of information related to site content

Although we do not guarantee its accuracy, compliance, or completeness, the data and information contained on the site that come from us and other sources are deemed reliable at the time of their publication. Despite all our efforts, we cannot guarantee that these data and information are accurate or complete, free of errors or omissions, or that they are up-to-date at all times. For example, financial information (exchange rates, interest rates, and other similar information) is considered reliable at the time of its publication on the site, but the publication of this information cannot be a guarantee of its reliability when you consult the site. We are not required in any way to update these data and this information.

The data and information available on the site can be modified, moved, or deleted without notice.


Some names, graphics, logos, icons, designs, words, titles, or phrases used in the pages of this site may constitute trademarks that belong to us or are used by authorized third parties. Some are registered trademarks in Canada or other countries. However, the use of these trademarks within the site does not necessarily presume that a license of use has been granted. The symbols MD and MC respectively designate registered trademarks and trademarks.


The possible link with other websites from the site does not mean that we endorse the content of these sites, the products and services, or the documentation available on them. Also, the content available through these hyperlinks is not subject to our policies, and you therefore assume the risks associated with the use you make of them.

Limitation of Liability

In general, without limiting the specific cases of liability limitation provided above and despite any provision to the contrary, we are not liable to you or anyone else for damages, regardless of their nature, that may result or be closely or distantly related to the site and its content, including, without limiting the foregoing, their access, their use, the inaccessibility of the site, its unusable character, the inaccuracy of its content or the loss of data or information and even if we have been warned of the possible occurrence of these damages.

The information accessible on this site is protected by copyright laws in force in Canada or other countries, where applicable.