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Privacy Policy

Privacy and Security

We respect applicable legislation regarding the protection of personal information. In addition, we use the latest encryption techniques to ensure the confidentiality of information exchanged with you as part of our Internet Banking Solutions and our Mobile Banking Solutions. However, we cannot protect the information exchanged when accessing the site from a vulnerable and unsecured computer or from a public place, as in these cases, the confidentiality of your personal information could be compromised. We are not responsible for the damages you may suffer in such circumstances. Please see the ABC of Security section for more information on this topic.

Note that communications made by email are neither secure nor confidential. They can be lost or intercepted in the same way as communications made by other means (for example, regular mail). We are not responsible for any damages you may suffer during the transmission of an email message, whether it originates from you or from us.

You are responsible for protecting and backing up your data and computer equipment.