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Retirement planning

We believe it’s important to plan for retirement at an early stage in an investor’s life cycle. Our team produces retirement projection plans, using a number of assumptions (investor profile, level of savings, desired standard of living in retirement) and client goals. In our opinion, a financial plan is a tangible way for clients to assess their financial situation and if necessary, make necessary changes to meet their short, mid and long-term objectives.

Some questions to ask yourself:

Here are some questions that a retirement planning exercise can answer:

  • Am I saving enough to reach my financial goals?
  • How does early retirement affects my government pension?
  • Am I familiar with my investor profile? 
  • Can I retire at age x and still maintain a cost of living of $y and an annual income of $z in today’s dollars?
  • How do I minimize  taxes on my various sources of retirement income such as LIFs, RRIFs, holding company dividends and government and/or employer pension plans?
  • If I leave a job where I had a defined benefit pension plan, which option should I choose: the defined benefit pension plan or a transfer to a LIRA?
  • Is it better to defer or claim my government benefits (QPP and OAS)?
Our services

Discover our various wealth management services: