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Manik Sincennes, CFA, asa

Senior Wealth Advisor and Portfolio Manager

Education :

B.Sc. Mathématiques Université de Montréal, 1991


Professional designations :

Associate Society of Actuaries, 1992
Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA Institute), 1996


Awards :

Named one of Canada’s Top 150 Wealth Advisors in a 2022 national survey by Shook Research


Role in the team :

Portfolio management, asset allocation strategy.
Actively contributes to the wealth management offering and customer service.


With National Bank Financial since : 1994


Previous experience :

Actuarial Analyst, Towers Perrin, 1991-1994


Hobbies :

Agriculture, mountain sports


Favorite financial quote :

“Actual risk is always inversely proportional to perceived risk.” – Bernard Baruch


A financial tip :

Start saving young. To quote Albert Einstein: “Compound interest is the eighth wonder of the world. Those who understand it, earn it and those who don’t will pay it.”

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